
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

It's a Love Thing

This I admit: At times, I can really be a worry wart. I don't know but biologically, I learned that a woman's wiring or chemistry in the brain has something to do with it. Whatever the reason(s) are, I know I've been plagued by it lately ~ a lot.

Prolonged wakefulness and a heavy heart ~ that's what worry gives me. I am aware of it. That's why it has been a conscious effort for me to exercise and practice God's presence day in and day out. His grace has been enormous and sufficient, more than sufficient in my dealings with worry. Sometimes, the message is just simple: Sleep. Don't over think. Spare your sanity.

True enough, at each waking moment, His mercies are new. Great is His faithfulness indeed! (Feels like I am going to sing a song here).

More than the sleep thing, I am greatly comforted by God's love. His Love is far greater than all my worries and fears. So, there was this morning, Psalm 136 just came resounding in my senses. It just came like 911. It's a rhema, living word, impacted and ministered to me like never before. For me to have at least an outlet of a message that's about to burst, I posted it on my social media page:

With LOVE emphasized, I wished I had the message come across to those who viewed it. Not just to those who 'liked' it on Facebook, but also to those who might be in need to know of a Love that endures forever ~ the Lord's... whatever situation each one is in.

To some who have been reading my blogs, the picture may seem familiar. Oh, yes, this had appeared on What's on My Mind? and This I Choose. I had written this last year, which I just pull out when brought back to remembrance. God's Word is timeless. It ministers and speaks when it so desires. We just need to feed our souls with His Word and have our hearts ready like a bank. It worked for me. I know it will work for you, too.

Now you know what rolled my worries away. It's a LOVE thing. And... this just now made me understand this better and feel this more:

That's why, that's why! Perfect love drives out fear.
Now I'm singing a tune again: I know I am loved by the King and it makes my heart want to sing.

Blessings everyone! :)

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