
Monday, April 07, 2014

What's That You Have in Your Hand?

* This has been a draft since January 29th, 
briefly posted then on my social network page, 
made available on this blog just today. :)

“WHAT’S THAT YOU HAVE IN YOUR HAND?” has been a resounding question, from the songs I hear, blogs I read and different accounts from the Bible brought to remembrance.

What’s that you have in your hand,

MOSES? A staff (Exodus 4:2)
SHAMGAR? An oxgoad (Judges 3:31)
SAMSON? A fresh jawbone of a donkey (Judges 15:16)
WIDOW at ZAREPATH? A handful of flour & a little oil (1 Kings 17:12)
LITTLE BOY? 5 small barley loaves & 2 small fish (John 6:3)

These little things in their hands were used to do the impossible, perform the miracles, do the wonders, etc. ~ ALL on God's account:

That very same staff that Moses had had changed all the water of Nile into blood. And the same staff parted the Red Sea.

Shamgar, with an oxgoad, struck down six hundred Philistines.

Samson, finding and grabbing a fresh jawbone of a donkey, struck down a thousand men.

Flour & Oil
The widow at Zarepath’s a handful of flour and a little oil in a jug did not run dry.

5 Loaves & 2 Fish
The loaves and the fish were able to feed about five thousand men (beside women and children). More so, at the end, twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over were gathered(!)

On these accounts we see, as an application, God, to fulfill His purposes doesn’t ask for what we do not have. But, He asks for what we (already) do have. Once we know, once we make it available at His disposal, then we witness the miracle of the moment. Isn’t it a grand thing to see the least at its greatest on the very time it was set? J

I've still got so many things on my head but as a reflection in a nutshell, the question remains the same,

“What’s that you have in your hand?”

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