It's hard to make people smile, that a 1940-ambassador disclosed some kind of formula to capture that desired smile, to make you look pleasant no matter what you're thinking.
As I was processing my thoughts for the past days, I suddenly paused because of this: I can't remember if had read something about smiling in the Bible. Laughter, joy and the like yes, I've read about that. But smiling, just smiling? Nothing yet.
So, in a heartbeat, this curious blogger searched for the word. I do not intend to make an exhaustive Biblical study of these passages this time. But for just a quick, immediate grasp of its context, I included the surrounding verses. :)
Job 9:26-28 (NIV)
They skim past like boats of papyrus,
like eagles swooping down on their prey.
If I say, 'I will forget my complaint,
I will change my expression, and smile,'
I still dread all my sufferings,
for I know you will not hold me innocent.
Job 29:23-25 (NIV)
They waited for me as for showers
and drank in my words as the spring rain.
When I smiled at them, they scarcely believed it;
the light of my face was precious to them.
I chose the way for them and sat as their chief;
I dwelt as a king among his troops;
I was like one who comforts mourners.
To those who are familiar with the story of Job, you know that that smile means and weighs --- a lot. To those who aren't, it's not too late. You can grab your Bible. Have a read. :)
* * * * *
A smile, I believe, does not from the outside-in, but from the inside-out.
A smile from the outside-in can be deceiving. A smile from the inside-out is genuine.
We can smile on the outside, but really broken in the inside. Then eventually blame other people for not feeling us - that smile is really not meant to shine. It's a false smile.
On the other hand, our outside circumstances may be broken and fallen, but the inside of us is at peace as we lift our cares to God. We smile. We shine. People see. That's God's grace on our face. That's a genuine smile.
Jesus shines with our smiles!
So, photos can be taken even without 'saying cheese' - and still can capture that desired smile.
Try it. :)
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