"My soul still remembers
And sinks within me.
This I recall to my mind,
Therefore I have hope.
Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:20-24
New King James Version (NKJV)
It was then I was made aware of an elderly woman sitting beside me. Her countenance was very peaceful and pleasant. She is glowing like the sun. So I christened her
Mrs. Sunshine.
Thanks to my sunglasses, I was able to look at her from time to time without her realizing it. Oh well, it was fair enough because she was wearing her sunglasses, too. She might also be looking at me!
I gazed on a different direction to view the urban's busy streets, and to at least shift my attention away from her. Yet still, I was drawn to look at Mrs. Sunshine. Simply and discreetly. I do not know but I have a feeling I can't describe towards her. Concern. Maybe.
I looked at her and around her. She's alone. I looked at her again. I think she is in her 70's. Oh, Mrs. Sunshine, what are you doing here in a foreign land, traveling all by yourself at your age? I asked myself, trying to find an answer.
Okay, I think I am really concerned.
Then to the last stop we came. The rest of the passengers began to alight. So did I. Besides, I need to do it quickly. I still have a long way to go. I barely need two more hours to get to my destination.
As my feet landed on the asphalt road, I unbelievably stopped. I stood still. I looked back to check Mrs. Sunshine.
She was on her feet, taking slow and gentle steps as she began to alight. She was shaking. I can't bear to leave her that way. So I smiled and reached her hand, assisted her until she descended from the vehicle. I thought she would refuse my offer, but to my surprise, she held my hand, grasped it real tight! She must have been praying for a hand. That, I do not know.
"Don't worry Mrs. Sunshine. I got you." [self-talk].
"You are too sweet", she said.
I smiled back and asked, "Where are you headed?" She told me where she is going and that she needs to ride a bus to get there. With her hand still holding mine, we both crossed the street to where the bus stop was.
"Are you an American, Canadian...?"
"I am an American."
"You are alone. And you are bound to a busier city. Why? Do you have relatives there?"
"I have nobody here [voice, husky]. I am about to meet a business partner."
Okay, we had a chat. The Mrs. Sunshine I innocently christened a few minutes ago is now holding my hand having a chat with me. If not for our separate appointments, I would have invited her for a cup of coffee or tea. :)
Then, she removed her sunglasses. She revealed her shining bluish-gray eyes, partnered with beautiful eyelashes. I finally saw her face. Mrs. Sunshine, indeed.
The brief time took its course, and we needed to part ways.
"Take care [Mrs. Sunshine]!" were my last words. Then the bus door closed.
It was a short encounter with Mrs. Sunshine but, it was lovely, serene and sincere. And I can say - deep, in its own right. What made it special was I sensed love for her. I think it was the kind of love that the Lord wants us to have for the strangers, widows, orphans, the helpless. It was so strong that I can't help but respond. If I may quote,
"Keep on loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers,
for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it."
Hebrews 13:1-2 (NIV1984)
Reach her hand. Show that you care. Those were the Lord's agenda for me at that given moment.
I hope I will not be able to forget her fair-skinned face, shining bluish-gray eyes, partnered with beautiful eyelashes. [How I wish I could sketch or paint!]
One thing I failed to ask. Her name. So, Mrs. Sunshine.. I do not know your name, but I am hoping to meet you again someday. :)
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