
Monday, July 16, 2012

Grooving for Something Light

* I am into the groove of posting something light, hence my previous post. And this one doesn't want to be left behind, too. :)

I always have loved music. And lately, I've been listening and have fallen so much for the acoustic ones. Good thing and it was a blessing, I stumbled upon this channel on YouTube ~ where I found and heard a lot of encouraging and positive music.

Here is but a few of my choicest in my playlist. I hope you'll join me watch, sing along, and hopefully, follow them and search more of their songs.

Different artists, yet they have One thing in common. If you think you missed it, play it again. 

You'll see. 
You'll hear.
You'll know. 


1 comment:

Josephine said...

A friend informed me that Building 429 will be coming here in the country this weekend. Yay! I'll be going! The past weeks had been tough so I'm going to give myself a wonderful treat! Perfect! Thank you, Lord! :)

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