
Thursday, October 04, 2012

Dream Team, Dream Theme

It had never occurred to me that the simplicity of my dreams would have a different role to play ~ for me and, for a few. Never had I been completely aware that the Lord has been gearing me towards using this thing until these words were spoken to me:

Date : Tuesday, March 27, 2012.
Jansen* : Are you a dreamer? 
Me : (Ahmm) Yes.
Jansen : Do you dream a lot?
Me : Yes. (Now, I want to fall from my seat!)
He continued,
"You dream things and God has anointed you to interpret those dreams. People will be coming to you to share their dreams. You will help them see what those dreams are and, you will lead them to make those dreams come to pass. But those dreams are not just limited to dreams when you are asleep." 

Then came Martin*:
"... and God wants speak to you... He will give you eyes to see dreams that God has for his sons and daughters... speak of truth, speak of love. I believe that one of your jobs is to speak to those lives who don’t even know what a dream is, to speak to those who do not even know what it means to dream because they may feel they do not have anything to dream about. ... Speak dreams into their lives. Speak that hope. Speak into their lives that there is a brighter future, that there is a better tomorrow, that God has a plan and a purpose for them, that they are here for a reason, that He has intentions. There’s an intention He placed in each and every one of them. God is just going to fill that. He can fill that, really."

Two different people, both are strangers to me but, both have spoken about the same thing on the same day ~ dreams. If I am at the most comfortable time and feeling, I would like to share with you bits and pieces of my journey about this. It was also a good thing then I had my mobile phone with me. So I was able to record these spoken words & was able to transcribe them.

If I have one thing in mind, it is that I want to fulfill the Lord's purposes, (not mine) about this. Not I, but Him who is to be lifted up, who is to be made known. I know that each one of us has been given a gift ~ a gift which is really not about us, but about God and His love for His people; and how He will use these gifts to encourage and build people up.

What comfort it is to know that the Lord, Who orchestrated all this has made me not to dream for nothing but, to dream because of something, and to dream for something. 

And I think, it will always be my theme every time I sleep.
And with God in it, it's going to be a 'dream team'.

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*Jansen & Martin (not their real names), are students of this school/ministry called Bethel. Their group has been visiting our workplace yearly. They come visit, minister, and empower workers of different organizations. We have been really blessed with their coming. This year is their third.

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