This will just be quick. I just need to post this because . . .
. . . this blog turns three years old today! *sniff, sniff*
Happy Birthday, Streaks!
I was almost at the brink of forgetting as I was hooked doing the blog project I just recently wrapped up. As putting up and maintaining this blog means so much to me, how it reminds me of the toils and turns of life, how I struggled, how I triumphed, how I mourned, how I rejoiced, I know I need to at least save this post, to this date to simply celebrate.
Thanks to my sister for buying this cupcake as per my request. She exactly didn't know what is it for, aside from of course, having it as a snack.
So, with this I'd like to honor the Lord Who really all this time journeyed with me through every blogging moment. He really did keep me going, as blogging needs to be an intentional work of heart and work of art.
Reading through my archives never cease to surprise me, each time, every time. Those thoughts, had it not been posted, I can't imagine where would it be now. Probably long gone, long forgotten.
I have just shared this blog to a very few friends before. But since, this blog turns 3 already, I think it's about time to share to a few more of my nook other than Facebook. It's that when I'm not there (telling the social media 'What's on my mind'), I'm over here, writing more on 'What's in my heart'. *wink*
2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 . . .
I will keep on writing, I will keep on blogging.
P.S. As a quick history treat:
I'd like to tell you what I did to start this blog.
If the blog title, makes you kind of puzzled, I'll tell you why it is called as such.
And how I got so crazy coming up with a blog header.
My life is somewhat shared all over this space, clicks and links. You can browse all over the place.
Thanks everyone. See you around. :)