
Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Blog Project, 2014 : List of 'not the least'

It has been a year ago when I had done my first blog project/challenge. It is time for a new one, this 2014. :)

There were a few of tagged lists that's been popping in and out of the Facebook's news feed. Uhm, well, to some I had been tagged, to some, I wished my name was there. Heehee.

So I decided to take some of those lists elsewhere. Here.

This is how it will go: I will make room for my self-imposed blog challenge for the coming days this month. The list generally consists of the top most (not the least) things that come to mind depending on what the challenge requires. The thing is, I can't tag people. I'll just get to share what's in my head by what they'll read. :) 

Here's the list of those challenges so far that may randomly appear in this blog:
  1. 15 authors
  2. 20 movies
  3. 20 facts
  4. Life verse

I think it's neat as I can view my lists a lot easier and it's going to be a kind of getting-to-know-myself-again ~ preferences, tastes, etc. Plus(!) at least this can get my blog rolling again. What a perfect start for a new month. Happy me!

See yah on the coming lists! ;)

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